Acknowledgement of Country

This blog is written in Croydon, NSW, which is part of the land of the Wangal people of the Eora nation. Over 500 Indigenous nations shared the lands of Australia for over 60 000 years before invasion. These lands were stolen and were never ceded.

spotcat: not for mass consumption

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Arggh the Squelching!

It rains and rains and rains.

I recently visited my parents, who live in the Hunter Valley. They live in a dust bowl, but even outside the village of Broke, it's been raining (a bit). While there I made two yarn girls (one of whom looks very cranky and shall be called Gretel), bothered the cat (Luna, who flicks her tail whenever you say her name) and caught a cold (and didn't manage to release it again).

I'm working on a radical mental health zine, reading "Mansfield Park" and huddling under blankets.

Galaxy Bookshop had their annual preview to their big sale and I bought some fantastic books, massively discounted. Now "Anansi Boys" and Charles de Lint's "Dingo" are on my "to read" pile. Galaxy is a fantastic bookshop - for science fiction, fantasy and horror. The staff are friendly and know what they're talking about. Check out the website to find out more - they have an online catalogue and are happy to order out of stock books.

While I was on York St I popped into Eckersley's for some blank notebooks. All to encourage me to start writing again. Feel free to pelt me with rotten fruit if I don't get back to work on the novel.

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